 * $Id: SevenBitXMLEncoder.java,v 1.18 2003/07/07 07:59:12 znerd Exp $
package org.znerd.xmlenc;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;

 * XML encoder that outputs 7-bit characters only.
 * <p />This encoder makes at least one call to either
 * {@link Writer#write(int) Writer.write(int)} or
 * {@link Writer#write(int) Writer.write(String)} for each character written
 * (in {@link XMLEncoder#text(Writer,String,boolean)}). This is why it is advised to
 * use buffered {@link Writer} implementations, especially if a lot of
 * non-7-bit characters are written.
 * @version $Revision: 1.18 $ $Date: 2003/07/07 07:59:12 $
 * @author Ernst de Haan (<a href="mailto:znerd@FreeBSD.org">znerd@FreeBSD.org</a>)
final class SevenBitXMLEncoder extends XMLEncoder {

   // Class functions

   // Class fields

   // Constructor

    * Constructs a new <code>SevenBitXMLEncoder</code> for the specified
    * encoding.
    * @param encoding
    *    the encoding, not <code>null</code>.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    *    if <code>encoding == null</code>.
   SevenBitXMLEncoder(String encoding)
   throws IllegalArgumentException {
      if (encoding == null) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("encoding == null");
      _encoding = encoding;

   // Fields

    * The encoding. Cannot be <code>null</code>.
   private final String _encoding;

   // Methods

   public String getEncoding() {
      return _encoding;

   public void declaration(Writer out)
   throws NullPointerException, IOException {
      out.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"");

   public void text(Writer out, char c) throws IOException {

      final char ceil = (char) 128;
      if (c < ceil) {
      } else {