 * $Id: XMLChecker.java,v 1.11 2005/09/12 08:40:02 znerd Exp $
package org.znerd.xmlenc;

 * Utility class that provides XML checking functionality.
 * @version $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2005/09/12 08:40:02 $
 * @author Ernst de Haan (<a href="mailto:wfe.dehaan@gmail.com">wfe.dehaan@gmail.com</a>)
 * @since xmlenc 0.41
public final class XMLChecker extends Object {

   // Class functions

    * Checks if the specified string matches the <em>S</em> (white space)
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-S">Definition of S</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the <em>S</em>
    *    production.
   public static final void checkS(String s)
   throws NullPointerException {
      checkS(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());

    * Checks if the specified part of a character array matches the <em>S</em>
    * (white space) production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-S">Definition of S</a>.
    * @param ch
    *    the character array that contains the characters to be checked,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param start
    *    the start index into <code>ch</code>, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @param length
    *    the number of characters to take from <code>ch</code>, starting at
    *    the <code>start</code> index.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>ch == null</code>.
    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    *    if <code>start &lt; 0
    *          || start + length &gt; ch.length</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the <em>S</em>
    *    production.
   public static final void checkS(char[] ch, int start, int length)
   throws NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, InvalidXMLException {

      // Loop through the array and check each character
      for (int i = start; i < length; i++) {
         int c = (int) ch[i];

         if (c != 0x20 && c != 0x9 && c != 0xD && c != 0xA) {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("The character 0x" + Integer.toHexString(c) + " is not valid for the 'S' production (white space).");

    * Determines if the specified string matches the <em>Name</em> production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Name">Definition of Name</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the {@link String} matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public static final boolean isName(String s)
   throws NullPointerException {
      try {
         return true;
      } catch (InvalidXMLException exception) {
         return false;

    * Checks if the specified string matches the <em>Name</em> production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Name">Definition of Name</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the <em>Name</em>
    *    production.
   public static final void checkName(String s)
   throws NullPointerException, InvalidXMLException {
      checkName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());

    * Checks if the specified part of a character array matches the
    * <em>Name</em> production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Name">Definition of Name</a>.
    * @param ch
    *    the character array that contains the characters to be checked,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param start
    *    the start index into <code>ch</code>, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @param length
    *    the number of characters to take from <code>ch</code>, starting at
    *    the <code>start</code> index.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>ch == null</code>.
    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    *    if <code>start &lt; 0
    *          || start + length &gt; ch.length</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the <em>Name</em>
    *    production.
   public static final void checkName(char[] ch, int start, int length)
   throws NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, InvalidXMLException {

      // Minimum length is 1
      if (length < 1) {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("An empty string does not match the 'Name' production.");

      // First char must match: (Letter | '_' | ':')
      int i = start;
      char c = ch[i];
      if (c != '_' && c != ':' && !isLetter(c)) {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("The character 0x" + Integer.toHexString((int) c) + " is invalid as a starting character in the 'Name' production.");

      // Loop through the array and check each character
      for (i++; i < length; i++) {
         c = ch[i];

         if (!isNameChar(c)) {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("The character 0x" + Integer.toHexString((int) c) + " is not valid for the 'Name' production.");

    * Determines if the specified string matches the <em>SystemLiteral</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-SystemLiteral">Definition of SystemLiteral</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the {@link String} matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public static final boolean isSystemLiteral(String s)
   throws NullPointerException {
      try {
         return true;
      } catch (InvalidXMLException exception) {
         return false;

    * Checks if the specified string matches the <em>SystemLiteral</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-SystemLiteral">Definition of SystemLiteral</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the
    *    <em>PubidLiteral</em> production.
   public static final void checkSystemLiteral(String s)
   throws NullPointerException, InvalidXMLException {
      checkSystemLiteral(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());

    * Checks if the specified part of a character array matches the
    * <em>SystemLiteral</em> production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-SystemLiteral">Definition of SystemLiteral</a>.
    * @param ch
    *    the character array that contains the characters to be checked,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param start
    *    the start index into <code>ch</code>, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @param length
    *    the number of characters to take from <code>ch</code>, starting at
    *    the <code>start</code> index.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>ch == null</code>.
    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    *    if <code>start &lt; 0
    *          || start + length &gt; ch.length</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the
    *    <em>SystemLiteral</em> production.
   public static final void checkSystemLiteral(char[] ch,
                                               int    start,
                                               int    length)
   throws NullPointerException,
          InvalidXMLException {

      // Minimum length is 3
      if (length < 3) {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("Minimum length for the 'SystemLiteral' production is 3 characters.");

      int  lastIndex = start + length - 1;
      char firstChar = ch[0];
      char lastChar  = ch[lastIndex];

      // First and last char: single qoute (apostrophe)
      String otherAllowedChars;
      if (firstChar == '\'') {
         if (lastChar != '\'') {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("First character is '\\'', but the "
                                     + "last character is 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) lastChar)
                                     + '.');
         otherAllowedChars = "-()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%";

      // First and last char: double qoute character
      } else if (firstChar == '"') {
         if (lastChar != '"') {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("First character is '\"', but the "
                                     + "last character is 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) lastChar)
                                     + '.');
         otherAllowedChars = "-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%";

      // First character is invalid
      } else {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("First char must either be '\\'' or "
                                     + "'\"' instead of 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) firstChar)
                                     + '.');

      // Check each character
      for (int i = 1; i < (length - 1); i++) {
         char c = ch[i];

         if (c == firstChar) {
            if (firstChar == '\'') {
               throw new InvalidXMLException("Found '\\'' at position " + i + '.');
            } else {
               throw new InvalidXMLException("Found '\"' at position " + i + '.');

    * Determines if the specified string matches the <em>PubidLiteral</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-PubidLiteral">Definition of PubidLiteral</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the {@link String} matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> otherwise.
   public static final boolean isPubidLiteral(String s)
   throws NullPointerException {
      try {
         return true;
      } catch (InvalidXMLException exception) {
         return false;

    * Checks if the specified string matches the <em>PubidLiteral</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-PubidLiteral">Definition of PubidLiteral</a>.
    * @param s
    *    the character string to check, cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>s == null</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the
    *    <em>PubidLiteral</em> production.
   public static final void checkPubidLiteral(String s)
   throws NullPointerException, InvalidXMLException {
      checkPubidLiteral(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());

    * Checks if the specified part of a character array matches the
    * <em>PubidLiteral</em> production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-PubidLiteral">Definition of PubidLiteral</a>.
    * @param ch
    *    the character array that contains the characters to be checked,
    *    cannot be <code>null</code>.
    * @param start
    *    the start index into <code>ch</code>, must be &gt;= 0.
    * @param length
    *    the number of characters to take from <code>ch</code>, starting at
    *    the <code>start</code> index.
    * @throws NullPointerException
    *    if <code>ch == null</code>.
    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    *    if <code>start &lt; 0
    *          || start + length &gt; ch.length</code>.
    * @throws InvalidXMLException
    *    if the specified character string does not match the
    *    <em>PubidLiteral</em> production.
   public static final void checkPubidLiteral(char[] ch,
                                              int    start,
                                              int    length)
   throws NullPointerException,
          InvalidXMLException {

      // Minimum length is 3
      if (length < 3) {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("Minimum length for the 'PubidLiteral' production is 3 characters.");

      int  lastIndex = start + length - 1;
      char firstChar = ch[0];
      char lastChar  = ch[lastIndex];

      // First and last char: single qoute (apostrophe)
      String otherAllowedChars;
      if (firstChar == '\'') {
         if (lastChar != '\'') {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("First character is '\\'', but the "
                                     + "last character is 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) lastChar)
                                     + '.');
         otherAllowedChars = "-()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%";

      // First and last char: double qoute character
      } else if (firstChar == '"') {
         if (lastChar != '"') {
            throw new InvalidXMLException("First character is '\"', but the "
                                     + "last character is 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) lastChar)
                                     + '.');
         otherAllowedChars = "-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%";

      // First character is invalid
      } else {
         throw new InvalidXMLException("First char must either be '\\'' or "
                                     + "'\"' instead of 0x"
                                     + Integer.toHexString((int) firstChar)
                                     + '.');

      // Check each character
      for (int i = 1; i < (length - 1); i++) {
         char c = ch[i];

         if (c != 0x20 && c != 0x0D && c != 0x0A && !isLetter(c) && !isDigit(c)
             && otherAllowedChars.indexOf(c) < 0) {
            // TODO: Quote character properly, even if it is an apostrophe
            throw new InvalidXMLException("The character '"
                                        + c
                                        + "' (0x"
                                        + Integer.toHexString((int) c)
                                        + ") is not valid for the "
                                        + "'PubidLiteral' production.");

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>NameChar</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-NameChar">Definition of NameChar</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isNameChar(char c) {
      return c == '.'
          || c == '-'
          || c == '_'
          || c == ':'
          || isDigit(c)
          || isLetter(c)
          || isCombiningChar(c)
          || isExtender(c);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>Letter</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Letter">Definition of Letter</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isLetter(char c) {
      return isBaseChar(c) || isIdeographic(c);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>BaseChar</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-BaseChar">Definition of BaseChar</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isBaseChar(char c) {
      int n = (int) c;
      return (n >= 0x0041 && n <= 0x005A)
          || (n >= 0x0061 && n <= 0x007A)
          || (n >= 0x00C0 && n <= 0x00D6)
          || (n >= 0x00D8 && n <= 0x00F6)
          || (n >= 0x00F8 && n <= 0x00FF)
          || (n >= 0x0100 && n <= 0x0131)
          || (n >= 0x0134 && n <= 0x013E)
          || (n >= 0x0141 && n <= 0x0148)
          || (n >= 0x014A && n <= 0x017E)
          || (n >= 0x0180 && n <= 0x01C3)
          || (n >= 0x01CD && n <= 0x01F0)
          || (n >= 0x01F4 && n <= 0x01F5)
          || (n >= 0x01FA && n <= 0x0217)
          || (n >= 0x0250 && n <= 0x02A8)
          || (n >= 0x02BB && n <= 0x02C1)
          || (n == 0x0386)
          || (n >= 0x0388 && n <= 0x038A)
          || (n == 0x038C)
          || (n >= 0x038E && n <= 0x03A1)
          || (n >= 0x03A3 && n <= 0x03CE)
          || (n >= 0x03D0 && n <= 0x03D6)
          || (n == 0x03DA)
          || (n == 0x03DC)
          || (n == 0x03DE)
          || (n == 0x03E0)
          || (n >= 0x03E2 && n <= 0x03F3)
          || (n >= 0x0401 && n <= 0x040C)
          || (n >= 0x040E && n <= 0x044F)
          || (n >= 0x0451 && n <= 0x045C)
          || (n >= 0x045E && n <= 0x0481)
          || (n >= 0x0490 && n <= 0x04C4)
          || (n >= 0x04C7 && n <= 0x04C8)
          || (n >= 0x04CB && n <= 0x04CC)
          || (n >= 0x04D0 && n <= 0x04EB)
          || (n >= 0x04EE && n <= 0x04F5)
          || (n >= 0x04F8 && n <= 0x04F9)
          || (n >= 0x0531 && n <= 0x0556)
          || (n == 0x0559)
          || (n >= 0x0561 && n <= 0x0586)
          || (n >= 0x05D0 && n <= 0x05EA)
          || (n >= 0x05F0 && n <= 0x05F2)
          || (n >= 0x0621 && n <= 0x063A)
          || (n >= 0x0641 && n <= 0x064A)
          || (n >= 0x0671 && n <= 0x06B7)
          || (n >= 0x06BA && n <= 0x06BE)
          || (n >= 0x06C0 && n <= 0x06CE)
          || (n >= 0x06D0 && n <= 0x06D3)
          || (n == 0x06D5)
          || (n >= 0x06E5 && n <= 0x06E6)
          || (n >= 0x0905 && n <= 0x0939)
          || (n == 0x093D)
          || (n >= 0x0958 && n <= 0x0961)
          || (n >= 0x0985 && n <= 0x098C)
          || (n >= 0x098F && n <= 0x0990)
          || (n >= 0x0993 && n <= 0x09A8)
          || (n >= 0x09AA && n <= 0x09B0)
          || (n == 0x09B2)
          || (n >= 0x09B6 && n <= 0x09B9)
          || (n >= 0x09DC && n <= 0x09DD)
          || (n >= 0x09DF && n <= 0x09E1)
          || (n >= 0x09F0 && n <= 0x09F1)
          || (n >= 0x0A05 && n <= 0x0A0A)
          || (n >= 0x0A0F && n <= 0x0A10)
          || (n >= 0x0A13 && n <= 0x0A28)
          || (n >= 0x0A2A && n <= 0x0A30)
          || (n >= 0x0A32 && n <= 0x0A33)
          || (n >= 0x0A35 && n <= 0x0A36)
          || (n >= 0x0A38 && n <= 0x0A39)
          || (n >= 0x0A59 && n <= 0x0A5C)
          || (n == 0x0A5E)
          || (n >= 0x0A72 && n <= 0x0A74)
          || (n >= 0x0A85 && n <= 0x0A8B)
          || (n == 0x0A8D)
          || (n >= 0x0A8F && n <= 0x0A91)
          || (n >= 0x0A93 && n <= 0x0AA8)
          || (n >= 0x0AAA && n <= 0x0AB0)
          || (n >= 0x0AB2 && n <= 0x0AB3)
          || (n >= 0x0AB5 && n <= 0x0AB9)
          || (n == 0x0ABD)
          || (n == 0x0AE0)
          || (n >= 0x0B05 && n <= 0x0B0C)
          || (n >= 0x0B0F && n <= 0x0B10)
          || (n >= 0x0B13 && n <= 0x0B28)
          || (n >= 0x0B2A && n <= 0x0B30)
          || (n >= 0x0B32 && n <= 0x0B33)
          || (n >= 0x0B36 && n <= 0x0B39)
          || (n == 0x0B3D)
          || (n >= 0x0B5C && n <= 0x0B5D)
          || (n >= 0x0B5F && n <= 0x0B61)
          || (n >= 0x0B85 && n <= 0x0B8A)
          || (n >= 0x0B8E && n <= 0x0B90)
          || (n >= 0x0B92 && n <= 0x0B95)
          || (n >= 0x0B99 && n <= 0x0B9A)
          || (n == 0x0B9C)
          || (n >= 0x0B9E && n <= 0x0B9F)
          || (n >= 0x0BA3 && n <= 0x0BA4)
          || (n >= 0x0BA8 && n <= 0x0BAA)
          || (n >= 0x0BAE && n <= 0x0BB5)
          || (n >= 0x0BB7 && n <= 0x0BB9)
          || (n >= 0x0C05 && n <= 0x0C0C)
          || (n >= 0x0C0E && n <= 0x0C10)
          || (n >= 0x0C12 && n <= 0x0C28)
          || (n >= 0x0C2A && n <= 0x0C33)
          || (n >= 0x0C35 && n <= 0x0C39)
          || (n >= 0x0C60 && n <= 0x0C61)
          || (n >= 0x0C85 && n <= 0x0C8C)
          || (n >= 0x0C8E && n <= 0x0C90)
          || (n >= 0x0C92 && n <= 0x0CA8)
          || (n >= 0x0CAA && n <= 0x0CB3)
          || (n >= 0x0CB5 && n <= 0x0CB9)
          || (n == 0x0CDE)
          || (n >= 0x0CE0 && n <= 0x0CE1)
          || (n >= 0x0D05 && n <= 0x0D0C)
          || (n >= 0x0D0E && n <= 0x0D10)
          || (n >= 0x0D12 && n <= 0x0D28)
          || (n >= 0x0D2A && n <= 0x0D39)
          || (n >= 0x0D60 && n <= 0x0D61)
          || (n >= 0x0E01 && n <= 0x0E2E)
          || (n == 0x0E30)
          || (n >= 0x0E32 && n <= 0x0E33)
          || (n >= 0x0E40 && n <= 0x0E45)
          || (n >= 0x0E81 && n <= 0x0E82)
          || (n == 0x0E84)
          || (n >= 0x0E87 && n <= 0x0E88)
          || (n == 0x0E8A)
          || (n == 0x0E8D)
          || (n >= 0x0E94 && n <= 0x0E97)
          || (n >= 0x0E99 && n <= 0x0E9F)
          || (n >= 0x0EA1 && n <= 0x0EA3)
          || (n == 0x0EA5)
          || (n == 0x0EA7)
          || (n >= 0x0EAA && n <= 0x0EAB)
          || (n >= 0x0EAD && n <= 0x0EAE)
          || (n == 0x0EB0)
          || (n >= 0x0EB2 && n <= 0x0EB3)
          || (n == 0x0EBD)
          || (n >= 0x0EC0 && n <= 0x0EC4)
          || (n >= 0x0F40 && n <= 0x0F47)
          || (n >= 0x0F49 && n <= 0x0F69)
          || (n >= 0x10A0 && n <= 0x10C5)
          || (n >= 0x10D0 && n <= 0x10F6)
          || (n == 0x1100)
          || (n >= 0x1102 && n <= 0x1103)
          || (n >= 0x1105 && n <= 0x1107)
          || (n == 0x1109)
          || (n >= 0x110B && n <= 0x110C)
          || (n >= 0x110E && n <= 0x1112)
          || (n == 0x113C)
          || (n == 0x113E)
          || (n == 0x1140)
          || (n == 0x114C)
          || (n == 0x114E)
          || (n == 0x1150)
          || (n >= 0x1154 && n <= 0x1155)
          || (n == 0x1159)
          || (n >= 0x115F && n <= 0x1161)
          || (n == 0x1163)
          || (n == 0x1165)
          || (n == 0x1167)
          || (n == 0x1169)
          || (n >= 0x116D && n <= 0x116E)
          || (n >= 0x1172 && n <= 0x1173)
          || (n == 0x1175)
          || (n == 0x119E)
          || (n == 0x11A8)
          || (n == 0x11AB)
          || (n >= 0x11AE && n <= 0x11AF)
          || (n >= 0x11B7 && n <= 0x11B8)
          || (n == 0x11BA)
          || (n >= 0x11BC && n <= 0x11C2)
          || (n == 0x11EB)
          || (n == 0x11F0)
          || (n == 0x11F9)
          || (n >= 0x1E00 && n <= 0x1E9B)
          || (n >= 0x1EA0 && n <= 0x1EF9)
          || (n >= 0x1F00 && n <= 0x1F15)
          || (n >= 0x1F18 && n <= 0x1F1D)
          || (n >= 0x1F20 && n <= 0x1F45)
          || (n >= 0x1F48 && n <= 0x1F4D)
          || (n >= 0x1F50 && n <= 0x1F57)
          || (n == 0x1F59)
          || (n == 0x1F5B)
          || (n == 0x1F5D)
          || (n >= 0x1F5F && n <= 0x1F7D)
          || (n >= 0x1F80 && n <= 0x1FB4)
          || (n >= 0x1FB6 && n <= 0x1FBC)
          || (n == 0x1FBE)
          || (n >= 0x1FC2 && n <= 0x1FC4)
          || (n >= 0x1FC6 && n <= 0x1FCC)
          || (n >= 0x1FD0 && n <= 0x1FD3)
          || (n >= 0x1FD6 && n <= 0x1FDB)
          || (n >= 0x1FE0 && n <= 0x1FEC)
          || (n >= 0x1FF2 && n <= 0x1FF4)
          || (n >= 0x1FF6 && n <= 0x1FFC)
          || (n == 0x2126)
          || (n >= 0x212A && n <= 0x212B)
          || (n == 0x212E)
          || (n >= 0x2180 && n <= 0x2182)
          || (n >= 0x3041 && n <= 0x3094)
          || (n >= 0x30A1 && n <= 0x30FA)
          || (n >= 0x3105 && n <= 0x312C)
          || (n >= 0xAC00 && n <= 0xD7A3);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>Ideographic</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Ideographic">Definition of Ideographic</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isIdeographic(char c) {
      int n = (int) c;
      return (n >= 0x4E00 && n <= 0x9FA5) 
          || (n == 0x3007)
          || (n >= 0x3021 && n <= 0x3029);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>CombiningChar</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-CombiningChar">Definition of CombiningChar</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isCombiningChar(char c) {
      int n = (int) c;
      return (n >= 0x0300 && n <= 0x0345)
          || (n >= 0x0360 && n <= 0x0361)
          || (n >= 0x0483 && n <= 0x0486)
          || (n >= 0x0591 && n <= 0x05A1)
          || (n >= 0x05A3 && n <= 0x05B9)
          || (n >= 0x05BB && n <= 0x05BD)
          || (n == 0x05BF)
          || (n >= 0x05C1 && n <= 0x05C2)
          || (n == 0x05C4)
          || (n >= 0x064B && n <= 0x0652)
          || (n == 0x0670)
          || (n >= 0x06D6 && n <= 0x06DC)
          || (n >= 0x06DD && n <= 0x06DF)
          || (n >= 0x06E0 && n <= 0x06E4)
          || (n >= 0x06E7 && n <= 0x06E8)
          || (n >= 0x06EA && n <= 0x06ED)
          || (n >= 0x0901 && n <= 0x0903)
          || (n == 0x093C)
          || (n >= 0x093E && n <= 0x094C)
          || (n == 0x094D)
          || (n >= 0x0951 && n <= 0x0954)
          || (n >= 0x0962 && n <= 0x0963)
          || (n >= 0x0981 && n <= 0x0983)
          || (n == 0x09BC)
          || (n == 0x09BE)
          || (n == 0x09BF)
          || (n >= 0x09C0 && n <= 0x09C4)
          || (n >= 0x09C7 && n <= 0x09C8)
          || (n >= 0x09CB && n <= 0x09CD)
          || (n == 0x09D7)
          || (n >= 0x09E2 && n <= 0x09E3)
          || (n == 0x0A02)
          || (n == 0x0A3C)
          || (n == 0x0A3E)
          || (n == 0x0A3F)
          || (n >= 0x0A40 && n <= 0x0A42)
          || (n >= 0x0A47 && n <= 0x0A48)
          || (n >= 0x0A4B && n <= 0x0A4D)
          || (n >= 0x0A70 && n <= 0x0A71)
          || (n >= 0x0A81 && n <= 0x0A83)
          || (n == 0x0ABC)
          || (n >= 0x0ABE && n <= 0x0AC5)
          || (n >= 0x0AC7 && n <= 0x0AC9)
          || (n >= 0x0ACB && n <= 0x0ACD)
          || (n >= 0x0B01 && n <= 0x0B03)
          || (n == 0x0B3C)
          || (n >= 0x0B3E && n <= 0x0B43)
          || (n >= 0x0B47 && n <= 0x0B48)
          || (n >= 0x0B4B && n <= 0x0B4D)
          || (n >= 0x0B56 && n <= 0x0B57)
          || (n >= 0x0B82 && n <= 0x0B83)
          || (n >= 0x0BBE && n <= 0x0BC2)
          || (n >= 0x0BC6 && n <= 0x0BC8)
          || (n >= 0x0BCA && n <= 0x0BCD)
          || (n == 0x0BD7)
          || (n >= 0x0C01 && n <= 0x0C03)
          || (n >= 0x0C3E && n <= 0x0C44)
          || (n >= 0x0C46 && n <= 0x0C48)
          || (n >= 0x0C4A && n <= 0x0C4D)
          || (n >= 0x0C55 && n <= 0x0C56)
          || (n >= 0x0C82 && n <= 0x0C83)
          || (n >= 0x0CBE && n <= 0x0CC4)
          || (n >= 0x0CC6 && n <= 0x0CC8)
          || (n >= 0x0CCA && n <= 0x0CCD)
          || (n >= 0x0CD5 && n <= 0x0CD6)
          || (n >= 0x0D02 && n <= 0x0D03)
          || (n >= 0x0D3E && n <= 0x0D43)
          || (n >= 0x0D46 && n <= 0x0D48)
          || (n >= 0x0D4A && n <= 0x0D4D)
          || (n == 0x0D57)
          || (n == 0x0E31)
          || (n >= 0x0E34 && n <= 0x0E3A)
          || (n >= 0x0E47 && n <= 0x0E4E)
          || (n == 0x0EB1)
          || (n >= 0x0EB4 && n <= 0x0EB9)
          || (n >= 0x0EBB && n <= 0x0EBC)
          || (n >= 0x0EC8 && n <= 0x0ECD)
          || (n >= 0x0F18 && n <= 0x0F19)
          || (n == 0x0F35)
          || (n == 0x0F37)
          || (n == 0x0F39)
          || (n == 0x0F3E)
          || (n == 0x0F3F)
          || (n >= 0x0F71 && n <= 0x0F84)
          || (n >= 0x0F86 && n <= 0x0F8B)
          || (n >= 0x0F90 && n <= 0x0F95)
          || (n == 0x0F97)
          || (n >= 0x0F99 && n <= 0x0FAD)
          || (n >= 0x0FB1 && n <= 0x0FB7)
          || (n == 0x0FB9)
          || (n >= 0x20D0 && n <= 0x20DC)
          || (n == 0x20E1)
          || (n >= 0x302A && n <= 0x302F)
          || (n == 0x3099)
          || (n == 0x309A);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>Digit</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Digit">Definition of Digit</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isDigit(char c) {
      int n = (int) c;
      return (n >= 0x0030 && n <= 0x0039)
          || (n >= 0x0660 && n <= 0x0669)
          || (n >= 0x06F0 && n <= 0x06F9)
          || (n >= 0x0966 && n <= 0x096F)
          || (n >= 0x09E6 && n <= 0x09EF)
          || (n >= 0x0A66 && n <= 0x0A6F)
          || (n >= 0x0AE6 && n <= 0x0AEF)
          || (n >= 0x0B66 && n <= 0x0B6F)
          || (n >= 0x0BE7 && n <= 0x0BEF)
          || (n >= 0x0C66 && n <= 0x0C6F)
          || (n >= 0x0CE6 && n <= 0x0CEF)
          || (n >= 0x0D66 && n <= 0x0D6F)
          || (n >= 0x0E50 && n <= 0x0E59)
          || (n >= 0x0ED0 && n <= 0x0ED9)
          || (n >= 0x0F20 && n <= 0x0F29);

    * Determines if the specified character matches the <em>Extender</em>
    * production.
    * <p>See:
    * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Extender">Definition of Extender</a>.
    * @param c
    *    the character to check.
    * @return
    *    <code>true</code> if the character matches the production, or
    *    <code>false</code> if it does not.
   private static final boolean isExtender(char c) {
      int n = (int) c;
      return (n == 0x00B7)
          || (n == 0x02D0)
          || (n == 0x02D1)
          || (n == 0x0387)
          || (n == 0x0640)
          || (n == 0x0E46)
          || (n == 0x0EC6)
          || (n == 0x3005)
          || (n >= 0x3031 && n <= 0x3035)
          || (n >= 0x309D && n <= 0x309E)
          || (n >= 0x30FC && n <= 0x30FE);

   // Class fields

   // Constructor

    * Constructs a new <code>XMLChecker</code> object. This constructor is
    * private since no objects of this class should be created.
   private XMLChecker() {
      // empty

   // Fields

   // Methods