Class Summary |
BorlandDeploymentTool |
BorlandDeploymentTool is dedicated to the Borland Application Server 4.5 and 4.5.1
This task generates and compiles the stubs and skeletons for all ejb described into the
Deployment Descriptor, builds the jar file including the support files and verify
whether the produced jar is valid or not. |
BorlandGenerateClient |
Generates a Borland Application Server 4.5 client JAR using as
input the EJB JAR file. |
DDCreator |
Builds a serialized deployment descriptor given a text file description of the
descriptor in the format supported by WebLogic. |
DDCreatorHelper |
A helper class which performs the actual work of the ddcreator task. |
DescriptorHandler |
Inner class used by EjbJar to facilitate the parsing of deployment
descriptors and the capture of appropriate information. |
Ejbc |
Builds EJB support classes using WebLogic's ejbc tool from a directory containing
a set of deployment descriptors. |
EjbcHelper |
A helper class which performs the actual work of the ejbc task. |
EjbJar |
Provides automated EJB JAR file creation. |
EjbJar.CMPVersion |
CMP versions supported
valid CMP versions are 1.0 and 2.0 |
EjbJar.DTDLocation |
Inner class used to record information about the location of a local DTD |
EjbJar.NamingScheme |
An EnumeratedAttribute class for handling different EJB jar naming
schemes |
GenericDeploymentTool |
A deployment tool which creates generic EJB jars. |
InnerClassFilenameFilter |
IPlanetDeploymentTool |
This class is used to generate iPlanet Application Server (iAS) 6.0 stubs and
skeletons and build an EJB Jar file. |
IPlanetEjbc |
Compiles EJB stubs and skeletons for the iPlanet Application
Server (iAS). |
IPlanetEjbcTask |
Compiles EJB stubs and skeletons for the iPlanet Application Server. |
JbossDeploymentTool |
The deployment tool to add the jboss specific deployment descriptor to the ejb jar file. |
JonasDeploymentTool |
The deployment tool to add the jonas specific deployment descriptors to the
ejb JAR file. |
WeblogicDeploymentTool |
The weblogic element is used to control the weblogic.ejbc compiler for
generating weblogic EJB jars. |
WeblogicTOPLinkDeploymentTool |
WebsphereDeploymentTool |
Websphere deployment tool that augments the ejbjar task. |
WebsphereDeploymentTool.DBVendor |
Enumerated attribute with the values for the database vendor types |
WLRun |
Starts a WebLogic server. |
WLStop |
Shuts down a WebLogic server. |